Thursday, November 5, 2009

Benefits of Sleepy Wrap.

Posted by joyforbaby at 9:28 AM
Babies in a Sleepy Wrap:
-Cry less
-Get a better view (babies push in strollers or lugged around in car seats only get to see the adult world as knee level)
-Sleep better (they fall asleep quicker and sleep for longer)
-Are healthier (gain weight faster, better motor skills, coordination, increase muscle tone and sense of balance)
-Learn more (not over stimulated but calm and alert)
-Become independent faster (making them confident and less clingy)
-Are just plain happier! (they feel love and secure)

Parents carrying a Sleepy Wrap:
-Communicate easier
-Have more ease in mobility (Is convenient-there is no awkwardness like when carrying a heavy plastic or car seat in one arm)
-Nurse discretely, even while walking (make discreet nursing posibble without having to find a place to sit.
-Can easily interact with others (Helps you to interact with other children while holding your baby close at the same time)
-Have confidence of secure baby
-Are happier as well!

Further info on benefits of Babywearing, log on :

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